Big thanks to all the athletes, volunteers and supporters. It was a fantastic day and the Final really lived upto the hype.
The different challenges the swim, run and Hero wod meant the athletes were constantly changing positions in the event.
The final workout was:

We had 7 Finalists competing in the Event, the qualifiers were so tough all the athletes were of a really high level:
Mike Powel, Nick Apps, Nick Stone (Crossfit 888), Ed Miller, Duncan Boltt, Oliver Beeney & Charlotte Ruff.

After the morning briefing for coaches and athletes the 7 competitors lined up on the start line with around 30 Spectators.
The race started with the 100m swim, So our life guard and park ranger Mick counted us down from his Paddleboard.

Every one one went for it on the first swim but GB triathlete Micheal Powel got out of the water 20m ahead of Duncan, who was 10m ahead of Nick Stone & Ed Miller. Next came Oli, Nick Apps & Charlotte.

Duncan closed the gap on Mike in the first run but decided breast stroke was a good option for the second swim and mike gained another 20m, Ed came out of the second swim still 10m behind Duncan and had gained a small gap on Nick Stone.

In the final swim Mike was 50m up from Duncan and appears to have the Final well won. Duncan was only just ahead of Ed in the last swim and Lost second place as he put on his shoes at the start of the run. Ed ran strong and Duncan entered the gym a second behind Ed.
Splits and positions after the run & Swim:
Mike had a 1:46 lead on Ed and had completed his first round of DT:
Mike 1st
ED 1:46
Duncan 1:47
Nick Stone 3:15
Nick Apps 8:02
Oli 6:52
Charlotte 7:42
DT @ the box & Times taken for DT to be completed:
Every athlete took a different approach to DT but ED And nick stone absolutely Smashed DT and over took Mike and Nick quickly caught Duncan.
DT is a heavy wod (70/40kg) and made even harder with wet shorts and hands. Especially after the athletes had all swam a total of 300m and run 2400m.

ED left the Box first followed by Nick Stone then Mike, Duncan, Nick Apps Charlotte & Oli.
ED 8:56
Nick Stone 9:15
Mike 14:11
Duncan 13:20
Nick apps 14:02
Charlotte 15:54
Oli: 16:24
After DT there was a 500m Race to the Finish where our supporters helped cheer the athletes home. The Final positions were:

Finish positions for the Hero throwdown 2016
1st ED
2nd Nick Stone 1:30
3rd Mike 3rd 3:45
4th Duncan 4th 5:19
5th Nick Apps 11:19
6th Charlotte 11:30
7th Oli: 12:47

After the event we had a BBQ, Campfire and beers to celebrate. It was a fantastic afternoon with friends & Family.